Prof. Maman Setiawan
Dr. Maman Setiawan is a Lecturer and researcher at the Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University. He has been a researcher at CEDS since 2001. Mr. Setiawan earned his bachelor degree in Economics from Padjadjaran University, Indonesia (2001), a Masters degree in Industrial Management from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2004), and a Ph.D in economics from Wageningen University, Netherland (2012). Dr. Setiawan’s research interest is in the area of Industrial Economics and his recent research topic is on Market Structure, Price Rigidity, and Industrial Performance of Food and Beverages Industry. Currently Dr. Maman is the Director of CEDS Universitas Padjadjaran.
Recent publications:
- Setiawan, M., Indiastuti, R. Effendi, N., and Indrawati, D. (2016).
Technical Efficiency and Environmental Factors of the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises in Bandung City, International
Journal of Globalization and Small Business, Vol. 8(1). - Setiawan, M. and Effendi, N. (2016). Survey of Industrial Concentration and
Price-cost Margin of the Indonesian Manufacturing Industry, International Economic Journal, Vol. 30(1) - Setiawan, M,
Indiastuti, R., Destevanie, P. (2015) Information Technology and
Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises in Cimahi, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 25
No 4 - Setiawan, M, Emvalomatis, G, Oude Lansink, A
(2015) Price Rigidity and Industrial Concentration:
Evidence from the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry, Asian Economic Journal, Vol. 29(1) - Setiawan, M,
Emvalomatis, G, Oude Lansink, A (2012a) Industrial Concentration and Price Cost
Margin in Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry, Applied Economics, 44:3805-3814 - Setiawan, M, Emvalomatis, G, Oude Lansink, A (2012b) The Relationship Between Technical Efficiency and Industrial Concentration: Evidence from the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry, Journal of Asian Economics, 23 (4):466-75
- Setiawan, M, Emvalomatis, G, Oude Lansink, A (2013) Market Structure, Conduct, and Performance: Evidence from the Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry, Empirical Economics, Vol 45 (3) pp 1149-1165