Dr. Mohamad Fahmi
Dr. Mohamad Fahmi is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University. He has been a researcher at CEDS since 2001. Dr. Fahmi earned his bachelor degree in Economics from Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia (1997), a Masters degree in Industrial Economics from ITB, Indonesia (2002), and a Ph.D in Economics of education from La Trobe University, Australia (2010). Dr. Fahmi’s research interest is in the area of Education, labor, and poverty. His recent research topic is on the cost effectiveness of teacher Certification in Indonesia. Dr. Fahmi is currently the head of Undergraduate Economics Program, Universitas Padjadjaran.
Recent publications:
- Rosser, A. J., & Fahmi, M. (2016). The political economy of teacher management in decentralized Indonesia.
- Fahmi, M., Jewelery, P. G. N., & Grace, P. (2015). The Effect of Pre-School Education on Academic Achievement in Indonesia (No. 201505). Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University.
- Fahmi, M., & Mulyono, Y. O. (2015). Pendidikan, Human Capital ataukah Signaling? Studi Kasus Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia, 15(2), 113-120.
- Fahmi, M. (2014). Indonesian Higher Education: Gaps in Access and School Choice (No. 201414). Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University.
- Fahmi, M., Maulana, A., & Yusuf, A. A. (2013). Complementary Policies to Increase Poor People’s Access to Higher Education: the Case of West Java, Indonesia (No. 201301). Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University.
- Fahmi, M. and A. A. Yusuf (2011). “Acceleration or Internationalization? A Cost-Effectiveness-Analysis of Improving School Quality in Indonesia.” Working Papers in Economics and Development Studies (WoPEDS).
E-mail: mfahmi@fe.unpad.ac.id