Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti
Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti is a professor in economics and a senior lecturer at the department of economics, Padjadjaran University. Prof. Indiastuti earned her bachelor in economics from Padjadjaran University (1984), a masters in industrial management from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (1989), and a Ph.D in economics from Osaka Prefecture University, Japan (1999). Prof. Indiastuti’s research interest lies in the area of industry and banking. She is currently the vice rector for administrative affairs, Padjadjaran University.
Recent publications:
- Setiawan, M., Indiastuti, R., Indrawati, D., & Effendi, N. (2016). Technical efficiency and environmental factors of the micro, small, and medium enterprises in Bandung city: a slack-based approach. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 8(1), 1-17.
- de Rozari, P. E., Sudarma, Y. S., Indiastuti, R., & Febrian, E. (2015). The Integrated Measuring of Working Capital Management Efficiency on Financial Performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Information Management and Business Review, 7(3), 26.
- Setiawan, M., Indiastuti, R., & Destevanie, P. (2015). Information technology and competitiveness: evidence from micro, small and medium enterprises in Cimahi District, Indonesia. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25(4), 475-493.
- Indiastuti, R., & Yusuf, A. A. (2015). Impact Of Mining Sector To Poverty And Income Inequality In Indonesia A Panel Data Analysis. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 4(6), 195-200.
- Effendi, N., Indiastuti, R., Yunus, T. Z., & Setiawan, M. (2014). Technical Efficiency and Interest Rate Spread in the Indonesian Banking Industry. European Journal of Social Sciences, 44(4), 386-392.