FKP Seminar Series-CEDS Unpad “Jobs-Education Mismatch & Its Effect on Indonesia’s Labor Market”
Center of Economics and Development Studies (CEDS ) Universitas Padjadjaran and Forum Kebijakan Pembangunan (FKP) conducted FKP Seminar Series: “Education-Job Mismatch & Its Effect on Indonesia’s Labor Market” Speakers :Prof. Dr. Armida Alisjahbana (CEDS),Pipit Pitriyan, SE, M.Si (CEDS),Raden Muhammad Purnagunawan Ph.D (CEDS)Discussant: Dr. Mohamad Fahmi Seminar was in Friday, 10th November 2017 If you are interesting with this topic and need the seminar material slide, you can ask me by message If you missed these seminar, you can access via streaming at: