Econ Training Fest 2014
Econ Training Fest 2014 is part of programs to improve CEDS internal research capacity. It is a series of training in research methods and writing facilitated by CEDS to cater the need of its researchers. These trainings will be attended by lecturer/researchers of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran.
Training may be open for general public only when space is available. Econ Training Fest 2014 ranges from survey and sampling design, impact evaluation, using STATA for timeseries and panel data analysis, choice modeling technique, and writing tips. The tentative schedule, including its instructor(s) is as follows.
1 Survey and sampling design
Saturday, 8 February, 2014
Instructors: Bertho Tantular (Statistics Department, UNPAD)
2 Using STATA for time-series and panel data analysis
Saturday, 15 February, 2014
Instructors: Irlan A. Rum, Ekki Syamsulhakim & Arief A. Yusuf (CEDS, UNPAD)
3 Ex-post impact evaluation method
Saturday, 15 March, 2014
Instructors: Arief A. Yusuf & M. Purnagunawan (CEDS, UNPAD)
4 Choice modeling
Saturday & Sunday, 12-13 April, 2014
Instructors: Mia Amalia* (BAPPENAS) & Martin Siyaranamual (CEDS, UNPAD)
5 Research methods in behavioral Economics
Saturday & Sunday, 17-18 May, 2014
Instructors: Rimawan Pradiptyo* (UGM)
6 Reaching out with writing: tips and strategies
Saturday, 14 June, 2014
Donny Syofyan (Universitas Andalas)