The Study of Digital Technology Adoption by SME’s
Notice the importance of the role of micro-enterprises in the economy and the relatively low adoption of digital technology among micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia, it is necessary to study the extent to which the adoption of digital technology conducted by micro business actors in Indonesia. In addition, seeing the development of digital banking services, it is also important to know how the behavior of micro business actors incorporated in the community or groups utilize banking services in support of their business activities.
This study aims to measure the impact of coal price fluctuation on the financial performance of coal corporations and corporations affected and their impact on the stability of the financial system. In addition, this study also wants to see how the response and behavior of corporations of coal and corporations are affected in response to the volatility of coal prices
The cost of not breastfeeding in Southeast Asia
Rates of exclusive breastfeeding are slowly increasing, but remain suboptimal globally despite the health and economic benefits. This study estimates the costs of not breastfeeding across seven countries in Southeast Asia and presents a cost-benefit analysis of a modeled comprehensive breastfeeding strategy in Viet Nam, based on a large programme. There have been very few such studies previously for low- and middle-income countries. The estimates used published data on disease prevalence and breastfeeding patterns for the seven countries, supplemented by information on healthcare costs from representative institutions. Modelling of costs of not breastfeeding used estimated effects obtained from systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Modelling of cost-benefit for Viet Nam used programme data on costs combined with effects from a large-scale cluster randomized breastfeeding promotion intervention with controls.
Regional Economic Competitiveness Forum
Introduction from Prof. Rina Indiastuti on Regional Economic Competitiveness Forum (Forum Daya Saing Ekonomi Daerah) Regional Economic Competitiveness Forum (RECF) is a forum consisting of economists who have concern on increasing the regional competitiveness in Indonesian economy.This Forum has a specialization only in discussing the competitiveness of Industrial and banking sectors. This Forum holds some research projects based on the collaboration with stakeholders such as regional government agencies, Bappenas, Business Actors, and Central Bank of Indonesia. This Forum has a Monthly News Series discussing some new issues related to the regional competitiveness. This Forum will give a recommendation to the policy makers related to the improvement of the competitiveness, especially in facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
GDN project ouput 2014
Video, winners of video competition Education: “Student’s work-sheets project: Unfinished business” > download Health: “Public Health Center: For whom?” > download Water: “Water doesn’t flow too far” > download Policy briefs Education: “Higher education for the poor? It’s possible. > download Health: “Is community clinic the way forward? > download Water: “On the optimum scale of public water supply” > download Updated PBA-BIA data Program Budgeting Analysis > download Benefit Incidence Analysis > download